A continuing tale of life in the boonies

No. 027

Winter Carnival Slides Closer

The latest meeting of the committee organizing the Henry Wilson Winter Carnival to be held on Feb. 16 at Farmington Country Club produced a communiqué that said this sentence is long enough.

In addition, it was revealed that, apart from skiing and tobogganing competitions, there would be snowshoe events and inner tube and canoe races. Downhill, of course, not cross-country. Full details of the afternoon and entry forms for the above and the snow/ice sculpture competition, can be obtained from the Community Center.

As a fitting tribute to Henry on his 174th birthday it has been decided to bake a massive cake in his honor, which the entire crowd shall devour around a bonfire at the close of festivities. Henry, it is written, was as tough as New Hampshire granite, which made my mind skip sideways to recall the verse of an old but perhaps relevant song:

Ellen Reardigan wanted to taste it,

And she struggled near ready to burst,

Two sealers attacked it with hand spikes

To try and remove the top crust.

Then McCarthy went out for a hatchet,

And Flannigan grabbed an old saw;

That cake was enough, by the powers,

To paralyze any man's jaw.

However, Henry deserves his very own poem, and this will be published next week. Based on a work previously circulated by a Mr. Johnnie Horton, the poem is entitled "Big Cake."

Nearly Gonne Shoppe: Betty Mros's Nearly New Shoppe will soon be no more, and its passing will be lamented by many people in the town, as the customers on her books exceeded 800 in number. The building was bought some time ago by Charles Deluccia of Rye, and in keeping with his plans to help the people of Farmington, he intends to convert the premises into an office.

Writer's Workshoppe: The Goodwin Library is organizing a creative writers workshop for young people from 7th-12th grade, to run on Saturday mornings in the spring. Those wishing to sign up or obtain more information should contact Phyllis Kuligowski.

Writer's Workshoppe II: Phyllis also gave me a piece of paper informing of a similar workshop for older people. Improve your writing skills it advised. Hmm. I am not sure if it is aimed specifically at me, or all of us.

Writer's Workshoppe III: This is becoming excessive, and I should state now - there's no money in it! Anyway, No. 3 is in the form of a Writer's Tea to be given to the 3rd Grade at Memorial Drive School, by Mrs.Hall.

Art News: To continue the highbrow theme of this week's column, it is pleasurable to announce the imminent arrival of the 3rd Annual Art Exhibition at the Goodwin Library. This will run from Feb. 10-17. Phyllis will be glad to accept paintings for exhibit on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th of February. Meanwhile, over the road at the Kristie Gallery, it is surprising to report that the Kennedy painting is not, as yet, receiving the attention due to it. The more frequently one visits this work, the more one realizes how packed it is with classical influence and technique. The central figure dominates like Millet's "The Sower"' and in keeping with Constable, the sky, with its varied scumbles and thin impasto, becomes the chief organ of sentiment; the viridian greens of Paul Gauguin, capture the mood of a choppy sea. This canvas is an important piece of Farmington. Enjoy it over a tall stack of maple syrup pancakes.

Tick, Tock Puddledock: Time is running out for the Puddledock Press, the monthly media flagship of the town. Editor Nora Goodwin, who has borne the burden of getting it out on time for the past couple of years, appeals on this month's front page for someone to take over the reins. Hang on until spring, Nora. I predict a stampede of creative writers with new-found skills to flex.

Historical News: The talk to be given by Woodard Openo of Somersworth at the next meeting of the Historical Society, is entitled Old Mills and Shoe Shoppes. It will be held in the Henry Wilson Room of the Goodwin Library at 7:30 on Feb. 7. Henry Wilson, who is beginning to haunt this column, worked in a shoe shoppe in Natick, Mass., until he was summoned to be U.S. Vice President, in 1873.

Jan. 28, 1986

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