A continuing tale of life in the boonies

No. 150

Selectmen's snippets

For reasons beyond my control, it has taken until now to rush to your attention, the following business conducted by the Board of Selectmen on June 22 - the same meeting that gave to the town peddler laws and, to Royce Hodgdon, a chill blast about freezers.

There was a recent sign language mix up between police and selectmen regarding speed restrictions in town. The P.D. requested a stack of 20 mph signs with which to ring the downtown section of Farmington, but due to a misunderstanding, a corresponding number of 35 mph signs were purchased ... thus wiping out the budget on this line item for 1989.

Selectmen also approved the placing of "aesthetically pleasing" cut stone blocks in the grassy patch betwixt the Court House and the Town Hall. This will remove the temptation for all vehicles (except army tanks) to take a short cut from Main Street to a rear parking lot.

Selectman and woodsman Biff Silvia has volunteered for the task of conducting a survey of an estimated 14 dams within Farmington. He will report back regarding their ruined or active condition, and will even try to come up with dams beyond those included in the listed 14. As a further act of public-spiritedness, Biff will supply his own bug spray.

The Trustees of the Cemetery, of whom Biff is one, met with selectmen on June 22, and worked out an agreement whereby the town could use water discovered on their land, if any ever is.

The garbage barge that sailed out of Long Island and spent the next few months being refused a place to unload was brought to mind at the meeting of June 22. On a much smaller scale, one must add, Joe Pitre of Watson Corner Road may experience the trauma of being stuck in no-man's-land with garbage. The story began when he had 80 yards of material deposited on his five-acre property, which had originated from Milton. Or had it? (One argument runs that a portion of this debris had started off life as a condemned Farmington property, before being demolished and hauled to Milton.) Anyway, Joe told selectmen that he intended to pick out the wood it contained - 80 percent of the volume, he said - and deposit the rest in Farmington landfill. Health Officer John Fitch told Pitre that by allowing the material to be brought from Milton onto his own land, he had, in a sense, created an illegal landfill in the state of New Hampshire. Fitch said it would all have to go back to Milton landfill. Pitre produced a signed statement by Tibbetts Builders saying that the garbage originated in Farmington, but this was not accepted as proving the case. "Let Tibbetts truck it again. He's trucked it to the wrong place twice already," said Selectman Silvia. As Pitre left the meeting, he said that he was unsure of his next move.

Woman's Club news

The executive board met out of town at James Thayer's West Milton farm, to plan future activities. New president Mary Kibbe announced her team as follows: 1st V.P. - Sandra Pierce; 2nd V.P. - Sandra Canney; Corresponding secretary - Bernice Woodside; Recording secretary - Marjorie Hunt; Treasurer - Lois DiPrizio; Publicity - Blanche Magee; Auditor - Jean Pease. And that's not all. Committee chairmen include Blanche - Finance, Norma Park - Membership, Jewell Gray - Music, Peg Arnold - Arts and Crafts, Ruby Towle - Courtesies, Lorraine Meyer - Social, June Tilton - Education, Beatrice Fish - Philanthropic, Laura Perkins - Gerentology, Beulah Thayer - Conservation (Good move that. Should conserve the library from being gobbled up by the bank.) Betty MacArthur - Card parties, and Betty Mros - Transportation.

After a delightful lunch, courtesy of the conservation chairman, it was decided to sponsor tree planting downtown. Then bridge party venues and dates were hammered out. The first of the series will be on July 12 at the town house of Beulah Thayer

Recreation News

Winners of the Family Day volleyball trophy were fourth-time-lucky Baptist Seniors, praise the Lord.

Parks and Rec. director Linda Ghareeb reports that the necessary $3,000 for the Hay Day fireworks display (still permitted under the new law) has been raised, $1,500 by raffles, and the remainder thanks to the generosity of FNS Bank, Union Telephone, and the Bertman Rondeau Trust.

The all-day Hay Day program, scheduled for Aug. 26, will include several new events including a bizarre event named the Buster Brown Brutal Battle, in keeping with this year's theme of shoes, continuously made in Farmington since 1836...three years after Henry Wilson quit town.

As an additional attraction it is expected that Eddie Mros will have a golf ball booth on Main Street. Thousands must go.

July 10, 1989

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